Der Herbst ist da und mit ihm ist jetzt die neueste und mittlerweile sechste Ausgabe von TURNING PAGES erschienen:
Dieses Jahr findet ihr darin neben vielen anderen tollen Texten und Bildern von vielen anderen tollen KĂŒnstler:innen unter anderem drei Gedichte und zwei Bilder von mir.
summer rain memories
it was the first day of summer and the sun sank slowly
as I rode my bike through the empty streets
pedaling back home
although it felt like leaving home
because I couldn't shake the image of her face from my mind
while hearing echoes of her laughter
the warm evening air was heavy with the promise of rain
and as the drops started to fall each droplet that kissed my skin
felt like a gentle reminder of kisses which had not happened
or ever would
but as the rain kept pouring down I tilted back my head
and let it wash all over me
on that first day of summer so many years ago I was soaking in
my romantic crystal ball dreams that would soon turn
into dust stricken memories of a bike ride home through the rain
making me feel happy and alive
somehow knowing
that I could weather any storm that would come my way
The only mistake we never made
lost in sounds and syllables
the sense of desire
searching for ways to the heart
Und fĂŒr alle, die Lust auf mehr bekommen, gibt es ja noch meinen Lyrikband I fell asleep reading and woke up dreaming.